Return and Refund Policy

To start your return online, please email us at

Our policy lasts 7 days. If 7 days have gone by after delivery, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

We will issue you a replacement or refund if your order arrives damaged or broken. If you purchase route package protection, which also covers lost items  

Return Processing Time:

  • Returns typically take 2-3 weeks to receive and process. 
  • If you wish to return an item for reasons other than damage or incorrect delivery, you will be responsible for shipping the item back to us or the seller at your own expense.
  • For items that cost more than $500, it’s crucial to inspect the product for damages upon arrival. Failure to do so will exempt MaviGadget and its’ sellers from any liability for damages. If you find the product to be damaged upon arrival and have not purchased Route Package Protection, you must file a claim and provide us with the claim number.
  • Once we receive your return, we will process the refund, replacement, or issue a gift certificate, depending on your desired refund method.

Please note

Returns that our return center does not receive after 15 days of creating the return label are automatically closed in our system. Please contact us at if your return has not been shipped or processed by the return center after 15 days of creating your return label. If you wish to return an item because you are no longer interested in it, please be aware that a 30% restocking fee, along with any shipment fees incurred during the original shipment (though we do not charge for shipping), might be applied.


  • Refunds can only be issued to the purchaser’s original payment method or as a gift certificate.
  • Issued refunds may take 3-5 business days to post to your payment account.
  • Issued email gift certificates may take 48 hours to arrive in your inbox and post mail gift certificates usually deliver within 2-6 business days.
  • Refunds are issued only for returned items and do not include the cost of shipping.

Ineligible Returns:

  • We regret that: All Custom 
  • Only regular priced items may be refunded. Unfortunately, sale items cannot be refunded.
  • Gift cards
  • Some health and personal care items
  • Return refunds can be issued back to the original PayPal transaction within 30 days of the purchase. If the PayPal transaction has exceeded 12 months, a check will be issued to the purchaser.
  • If the original payment card has been canceled, expired, or closed, a check will be issued to the purchaser. 
  • If we suspect a return to be fraudulent, abusive, or unduly repetitive, we reserve the right to refuse it and no returns will be granted.

Restocking Fees and Shipping Costs:

  • Return Shipping Costs: If you decide to return an item because it’s no longer needed or wanted, please be aware that you, as the buyer, are responsible for the return shipping costs. This includes ensuring the item is sent back to the seller’s designated return address in a manner that matches the item’s value and fragility.
  • Restocking Fee: For returns not related to product defects or inaccuracies in the item description, a restocking fee of 30% may apply. This fee is necessary to cover the processing, handling, and restocking of the returned item by the seller.
  • Original Shipping Costs: Since our sellers bear the initial shipping costs to deliver the item to you, these costs will be deducted from your total refund amount.
  • Additional Fees: Any additional costs incurred during the return process, such as customs fees, insurance, and other related expenses, fall under the buyer’s responsibility. These fees will also be deducted from the final refund amount to ensure the seller is not at a financial loss for these buyer-initiated returns.

By initiating a return, the buyer acknowledges and agrees to these terms, understanding that the aforementioned fees and costs ensure a fair and sustainable marketplace for all our users. We encourage buyers to carefully consider these aspects before proceeding with a return to ensure transparency and mutual satisfaction in the process.

This comprehensive return policy is structured to ensure transparency and fairness within our marketplace, safeguarding the interests of both our customers and sellers. For further assistance or clarification on our return policy, please reach out to